Who Wrote the Monsanto AG Rider?

I believe there is a good reason that no-one has taken credit for the Ag rider recently passed by the senate and signed by the president.  

Recently, several reports have cited the Center for Food Safety’s petition claiming that Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D) MD attached the “Monsanto Rider” to H.R. 6083  (sections 10011, 10013, 10014) Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2012.  Mikulski’s spokeswoman said  “it wasn't the senator who added the language”, and Colin O'Neil, director of government affairs for the Center for Food Safety stated :
“the language did not originate with Mikulski. Rather, it was included in legislation that had been developed before she took the chairmanship.” 
"Her hands were tied by the negotiations that had previously happened," O'Neil said of Mikulski. "We recognize that the tough spot she was in."
The person who I believe added the AG rider can’t take credit for it because he is no longer alive. After many health problems, he passed away on December 17, 2012.  Mikulski recently inherited the chair from Senator Daniel Inouye (D)  Hawaii, who was openly “pro-biotech”.

Monsanto openly funded Inouye, as did many unscrupulous investors..  According to Open Secrets.org , for the 2010   election campaign, Inoyue received $90,750 from “Agribusiness”, $343,050 from “defense” and $699,560 from “lawyers and lobbyists”.  Despite his illness, during the 2012   campaign, he collected $89,750 from “Agribusiness”,  $379,550 from “defense” and $705,060 from “lawyers and lobbyists”.  His total campaign funding amounted to over $5.2 million in each campaign year, including donations from insurance companies, real estate companies, commercial banks, entertainment industry, securities & investment, (to name a few), including a $7,000 donation directly from Monsanto. 

In fact, Big AG has been paying off legislators all over the country:

GM FOOD: Corporate agriculture wins in Congress:

  • Current members of Congress have received $7,450,434 from the PACs of these organizations.
  • Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee have received $371,925 from the PACs of these organizations.
  • Senator Roy Blunt, a member of the Appropriations Committee, has received $70,592 from the PACs of these organizations, the most received by any member of the Appropriations Committee and the second-most received by any senator.
Citizens of Hawaii have recently been “ploughed over” by legislators, lawyers, big investors, and law enforcement. A post from Save Hawaii from Monsanto exposed plans for a new  police station  funded by the USDA slated to be built at the gates of Monsanto itself.

    Recently, Hawaiians tried to pass a GMO labeling bill, which failed to even reach a vote.  Honolulu Civil Beat reports:
~Rosalyn Baker, chair of Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection... said the Senate would push a concurrent resolution that will ask state agencies and the University of Hawaii to research the matter and report back to the Legislature.
~Electing to call for further study of an issue rather than pass a measure into law is an oft-employed maneuver to kill something that's controversial
~Baker said the Senate's concurrent resolution would ask the UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources "to provide information on farming practices in Hawaii as well as do a search of the literature and any studies regarding long-term safety of GMO crops grown in Hawaii."

But the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources is funded by Monsanto, Plant Sciences Student Fellowships  are granted by Monsanto,  and UH Mānoa CTAHR Scholarships are awarded by Monsanto.  It’s not difficult to infer a conflict of interests between the giant money involved in every level of government and the “checks and balances” of the UH science study.

In an act (in the least) of distraction or (at worst) sin-washing, Monsanto benevolently funds local science fairs  while hypocritically ignoring the public schools [6, 1, 1] near their corn and canola fields using chemicals known to have adverse health effects (especially on mothers and children), whose labels warn against prolonged or repeated exposure. Their science programs for grade-schoolers have been packed with propaganda ~as reported by Examiner.com, grist, Spread Liberty News, Natural News and many (many) more.

Not only are Monsanto and their cohorts directing the legislature, they are also directing the water. In a letter  to West Hawaii Today, Tlaloc Tokuda, Project & Report Writer for  Center for Water resource Management  reports:

  To put things in perspective, the County of Maui controls only about 9 percent of the water on the island of Maui – Big Ag controls the rest.
    “It is inexplicable that with respected UH professors, literally hundreds of trained geologists and watershed experts, that the Senate would appoint a partisan, multinational corporate lobbyist instead,” said, petition organizer, Karen Chun.
    “... Ag corporations know how to use water — they are not experts in the skills required to manage and protect water supplies.”   

    Residents may not be aware that Monsanto and other genetically modified organism and agricultural chemical companies have picked Hawaii for their experiments.

The thinking is that if something goes horribly wrong, the effects will be confined on a small chain of islands 2,400 miles from any continent.

Evidence points to other Monsanto cohorts-

The Daily News reports:
"One of the rider’s biggest supporters was Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), who worked with Monsanto to craft the language in the bill.
“What it says is if you plant a crop that is legal to plant when you plant it, you get to harvest it,” Blunt told Politico. “But it is only a one-year protection in that bill.”"
Truthout reported:
"Congressmen Jack Kingston and Frank Lucas , each of whom sponsored a Monsanto rider, were listed in August as national co-chairs of a new general election committee called the Farmers and Ranchers for Romney coalition, which also includes all eleven members of the March group and Roy Blunt."

Here are some links to more information.  

Connect with Hawaii’s activists, and learn some more about HOW big AG was able to get a free pass while the majority of American citizens decry their deplorable business practices (polling that shows nine out of ten American consumers want GMO labeling).

"Hawaii is ground zero for GMO testing . . . all of our future resources and health are at stake."

The Hawai'i GMO Justice Coalition

Occupy Monsanto


Boss GMO
Filling the space left by pineapple and sugar, a new plantation economy--based on experimental seed corn--has taken root. But why take up precious acreage where we could be growing food?

Obama Gives Monsanto Get Out of Jail Free Card


  1. your font color makes your blog nearly impossible to read on a mobil device. stick with black on white man.

  2. this is a really awesome post. Nice detective work! :)


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